
Archive for June, 2010

Indian Monsoon

The dark clouds were hovering the sky like the angels all set to fire their bliss on the earth. Thunder struck and I could see the lightening flashing across the clouds. The earth was singing its rain song, waiting for the first kiss of her lover. I looked out of the window and I could see my neighbors covering up their vehicles, collecting clothes hanging outside for drying, the kids running out and their mom’s running, shouting, cursing and yelling at them to get inside.

One more thunder, and came the rain followed by the chilly monsoon wind. The trees waved to welcome their friend. The atmosphere was filled with the chirping of birds. I could hear the symphony of the rain drops rattling on the roof. In a second, mom came running after me with an umbrella. I ignored her and stepped out of the gate. My friends were waiting there for me.

The streets were flooding with water. The cracks in the crust broke open and so did the gutters exposing what good work the municipality had done all year long. The poor were running here and there looking for a shelter. Their houses were flooding with rain water invading there roof. The government had promised them home at the time of election but it seemed like they will have to wait till the next one.

The rain was still pouring in full wrath. The streets were flooded with water reaching the knee height level. Here and there could be found, people hiding under the shop roofs, some trying to dare their way home with their hands tightly clutched to the umbrella, people pushing their vehicles half way through the water, bike riders testing their luck which eventually gave up with water reaching the engine. Children were running in the water splashing it all over others. A bunch of people joined them as they started pushing each other in water but at the same time careful enough to not let anyone go near the wooden fence marking the boundary of gutter. A couple of kids stepped out of their house with paper boats in their hands ready to set forth a new adventure.

At a distance could be seen a herd of people crowding the chai wala’s place. It was his lucky day. As more tea poured in, the little kid was running here and there with as much cups as he could carry. A little away from the crowd were the god blessed smokers, looking down the street with the thought of their loved ones buried deep in their hearts. More rain poured in hiding their tears as they starred jealously at the couple holding their hands, waiting anxiously for their boiled corn.

With the setting of the night, came the harsh facts that there were no lights, no TV and no internet and it was still raining outside. Dim lights could be seen coming out of the houses, a few of the recharged batteries and others of the candles. It was still cold outside as I took my last sip of coffee. The world was about to set in its own sanity.

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I opened my eyes with sense of detachment. I looked at the world around me and I fell in love with the serenity of the moment.  The lights were dimmer, the sky was darker and with a bottle of whisky around, it was time to drink, smoke and make merry.

I tried to open the bottle but Fuck! I couldn’t feel the bottle.  I couldn’t hold the ciggs. God! What the fuck is wrong with me?

I heard someone talking. I went near the door to open it, but I couldn’t.

“Yaar.. kya boring party tha.”

“Fukla hota toh yahi bolta sala.”

“chalo yaar.. uske marne ke khushi main Effins chalte hain. Acche se piyenge aur fukenge. Tab sale ke atma ko shaanti milenge.”

“Aisa kiya toh sala wapis toh nahi aajayega nah? “

“Abe aaya toh khana banwayenge. Tab toh sala pakke se bhaag jayega.”

I shouted, “bhen…. Main yahi hooon. Main bhi aaa raha hoon…”

Ignored as I always was, they went out. I followed them, and I could feel I didn’t need to walk. I can fly!

I entered Effins.  I looked at the drinks and I thought the world was fine. But then I realized I couldn’t drink. What the fuck is the use of being ghost? I looked at the beauties around me and thought of taking off their clothes. But why to unfold when you can’t hold?

Frustrated as I was, I looked at the faces around me and it got amplified.  Most of them, tired students, drinking just to drive away the frustration. One flash and I was inside the department. I saw students going to their labs, cursing their decision of so called “Higher Education.” I saw students waiting outside the department office. Cursing as hell, with all the possible slangs in their mother tongue. How I wished he had a secret translator outside his office. I thought of blowing of the whole department but then why waste when you can change. I entered the official’s body and approved all the POS forms, all the intern request and changed grades for all those under probation.

I went to the corporate office and looked at the heavy heaps of job applications going for shredding. I pulled them all and signed all of them as Intern’s. And then I thought would they still be happy if they got the job? Nah… I went back to my country.  Entered the education minister’s office and passed a new amendment, “Free world for everyone! Do what you like the most and that’s education for you.”

I thought of poverty, I thought of corruption, but then I remembered that the other day, I had told my friend, if there was one woman on this planet with whom I would want to spend the rest of my life, it would be Jennifer Aniston.  I thought of going to Beverley Hills. I saw the city of angels being guarded by the light of life. It was 2 am but the streets were still flashing, throbbing with people making their way back to their boring routine. I entered the house hoping that she would be at home. I saw a light in the bedroom and holy shit! I saw her sleeping with another man.

Fuck Fuck!! I heard the ringing sound which was so familiar to me. I was afraid she might wake up and catch me. Fuck!! Why doesn’t it stop? Tring.. Tring… I opened my eyes to find myself in my sunken bed. The alarm ringing for me and so the reminder : Time to go to lab… Time to go to lab… 😦

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Disclaimer: This interview is fictitious and is in no way connected to Shekhar Gupta’s ‘Walk the Talk’. also, we have no intention to hurt anybody’s sentiments. its an interview..hmm..just like that..for fun 🙂

Our guest tonight is someone who we all love and fear. Tired of listening to umpteen questions Everyday, he decided to come on our show and answer some general questions that all of us have in our mind. Please welcome GOD.

WE: Thanks for being on our show

GOD: I bless you!

WE :why cant WE be at peace always

GOD: because peace begins from insides and unless your d@*k is satisfied you can never find peace. go fuck someone before life fucks you and then as time passes…you come to me crying again

WE: why do girls always have problems with the way WE are?

GOD: because they are never satified with the way they are. and thats why they try to find faults in you. they want to see the change in you which they could hv never brought in themselves

WE: WE dont know what to do with OUR life? can u tell US what OUR purpose in life is?

GOD:i gave you life.. i gave you parents.. i gave you the world to live in. now its your job to figure out what you want to do wit it? always remember ” wherever you heart is, there you will find your true treasure”

WE: that s the problem. WE dont know what to do with it? why cant u tell US

GOD: I gave you birth, i gave you home, i gave you food and now you expect me to teach you how to live life also? i sent you to earth because i was bored of having you There and now that you are on Earth, why the fuck are you eating my head?

WE: ok sorry! is smoking and drinking bad for health?

GOD: my child, Do you think i wld hv ever made ciggs and alcohol if it was bad?

WE: then why do people die of addiction?

GOD: if smoking and drinking is bad, thn so is eating right? have you ever imagined how many ppl die due to obesity? but can you stop eating? No, right? thn u shldn stop drinking and smoking also because everyone has to die someway or other. some lucky ones die due to addiction while others die due to lack of one!

WE: will WE go to heaven or hell after dying?

GOD: where do you want to go? hell has cute chicks, booze and smoke whereas heaven has peace!

WE: WE ll thnk about that later! tell me is it wrong to earn money?

GOD: Its bad to die with a huge bank balance!

WE: do u answer everyone’s prayers? or are you selective?

GOD: i am selective.. infact very selective..sometimes i let thm suffer first, sometimes i make thm achieve first and thn loose but yeah, i always help those who are true to me and those who can justify themselves evn if they are wrong. u see, ” guilt is irrelevant”

WE: interesting. what are your hobbies?

GOD: i like traveling around the world, i like torturing ppl, i like making thm fall in love, and on top of all this i like writing their destiny.

WE: what do u have to say about ego

GOD: there is a thin line between self respect and ego. ego is good until you hurt someone!

WE: any message you want to give to all the folks on earth?

GOD: i want you to understnad very clearly that, life is a one time oppurtunity.. so make full use of it.. fuck, smoke and drink! and leave the rest to me… bcoz without that i will be joblesss! i think its time for me to go.. m touring the world again.. astalavista!

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Music is everywhere. It’sin the whistling of the wind, it’s in the sound of the flowing river, it’s in the tapping of the feet, it’s in our IPod and more importantly it’s in the heart of the musician.
These days one listens to bands popping out every second with high drum beats and large amplifier swings. Their media of destruction is their music and the guitar is one of their weapons. It might be a high passion bang on the electric guitar or a low powered strum on the acoustic one, the sound is enough to send a pulse across the heart of even the dullest of souls. Most people would agree to the fact that they select their friends and food depending on their mood. Same is the case with guitars and the music that one plays.
“When I’m in a mood of complete relaxation, I’d rather play an acoustic with a soft plectrum or maybe just strum onto a malaguena salerosa to sooth things out. On a day when I feel like taking the world by storm, I wouldn’t mind having Slash’s electric at disposal. But for almost anything, a regular six string acoustic is good enough. It’s probably what you do with it that makes the difference!” says Aakar Desai begin_of_the_skype_highlightingend_of_the_skype_highlighting, a student at University of Southern California, LA and a guitarist plus vocalist.
There is a definite relation between the music you play and your mood. It’s funny how some strums on your guitar take you down the memory lane and make you remember the people in your life at that time and relation you shared with them. On a tiring day when you feel nothing worked out good for you, you start plucking your guitar gently and try to drive away the lament. When in a good mood, kick the pedal and start jamming.
It’s amazing how different guitars when strummed in the same way produce different sounds. That comes from the kind of wood used in making guitar and the type of strings used. Thicker strings produce the most brilliant sounds whereas lighter strings are easier to pluck and fast to play. Guitars are usually referred to as acoustic or electric. There is a major difference in the way they produce sound. Plucking or strumming of strings in an acoustic guitar produces vibrations which are amplified by the body of the guitar whereas the electric guitars rely on amplifiers to produce sound. A typical Fender acoustic guitar can range from $300 to $1500. As a beginner one can start with cheaper guitars in the range of $100-$200 and as one masters the instrument, they can go for costlier ones. Electric guitars are comparatively expensive as they come with lots of options on board for changing tone. A step further into the technology, Gibson has launched a new series of guitars with Robot tuners. This Robot SG special series has tiny servo motors fitted on the tuning peg. Once the Multi-Control-Knob is pressed, the guitar is tuned to the desired tuning.
Guitar amplifiers are generally used to amplify the sound coming out from guitar and modify its tone. Amplifiers are selected based on the kind of sound desired out of them. Traditional guitar amplifiers were built using tubes and have a nice warm tone. But they are expensive and require maintenance. Then came the solid state amplifiers which produced a much cleaner sound than their predecessors. These days there are a lot of amplifiers in the market which are hybrids of traditional tube amps and solid state ones. It’s upon an individual to figure out what they want out of there guitar and amplifier.

Amps with most basic options like treble and bass can cost around $40-$50.Price increases with added features on amp. For more information check this Web site:

Take your guitar and let the music say what words never could.

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